Mindful Diva Dating
Five steps to get in your zone & attract Mr. Right

Is this book for me?
You are a smart, amazingly talented and a genuinely good woman.
You would be an ideal partner, if only men could appreciate your qualities! However, you have been single for a while or in a “complicated” relationship. Then, the book is for you.
Three surprising traps where women get stuck
Some women get lost before even starting their search for Mr. Right by not knowing what they want for themselves. They put focus on “us” very soon, before thinking, whether he is actually “the one”.
Understanding what makes a woman attractive and worthy in men’s eyes is crucial. Otherwise she may put a lot of effort into things nobody is asking for and wonder why he takes her for granted.
Past break ups and painful experiences make women more careful, so called “smarter”. However, being “smarter” includes also suspicions, anger, fear and limiting beliefs. These all reduce energy frequency and limit which kind of men will they attract.
How to break the vicious circle and start attracting the quality men
It may look like there are no good men anymore and dating is a waste of time! While in reality, the barriers hidden in the subconscious, are the cause of the struggle.
Would you like to know how to solve this puzzle?
With a help of neuroscience, we can separate and transform the pieces that contributed to the problem. While doing this, your energy frequency will automatically rise. You will know this is happening, when you notice sudden increase in men’s interest in you.
Here is what you will learn inside
Explore your personal history and understand your relationship patterns
Get over a divorce or a break up
Determine what is it that you really want in a partner
Discover why are men more attracted to divas than to good girls
Learn how to feel like a shining woman that men are crazy about
Enter the dating market in a full grace of a mindful diva
Filter out interesting men online and get rid of losers, creeps, players and scammers
The book Mindful Diva Dating, is a step by step guide how to reach “your zone”, where attracting Mr. Right becomes possible. The 93 pages are sprinkled with stories from my life and with examples that women from several countries have shared. It also includes practical exercise to bring you the results.
Curious to find out more? For only 15 EUR you can get your copy today. First process a credit card payment and I will email you the book to the emial you provide in the checkout form. If you have any difficulty, contact me at info@michaelaray.com

I want to know how to:
- Feel like a shining woman that men are crazy about
- Enter the dating market in a full grace
- Filter out interesting men online and get rid of timewasters, creeps, players and scammers
Every chapter brought me to a new unknown place. Extraordinary and never seen before is the comparison of the differences and matches of “women in their zone” with the “natural bitches”, who easily attract men with confidence.
It took me a while to move to the “real dating“ since I first had to get into my zone. Now, 6 months later, I am able to choose between many men. Even better news, meanwhile Mr. Right appeared!
Grateful I went to the training, read the book and especially I am very glad Michaela taught me her system how to undertake dating with joy and laughter.

This book is so inspiring, Michaela’s story shows it is possible to solve emotional blockages. I discovered and understood more my case, what are the wrong patterns that are sabotaging me with the opposite sex. I discovered aspects that exist in me, that affect my emotional life more than I could have imagined. I started improving my condition applying the steps and tips for the transition for a healthy love life. Thanks, it is helping me!

I just finished reading your book. I loved it! I am sorry to hear that you had all this bad experiences. But your personal experiences made it very convincing.
After reading the book, I noticed that I am not yet in the zone. Those excercises are the first action I need to take. I will be rereading the book as I move further towards finding someone.

I finally found the time to read your book. Why didn’t I read it before I started dating? So recognisable, all my mistakess I can find back .
Every single woman that starts dating must read this book, so she can avoid a lot of misery. You’re very coureagous, to go living in a country alone, and start a new life alone. I’ll try to go this year to a higher energy level.