When you have reached the READY state of mind and you need some support with the practicalities of online dating, I can help with dating strategies. The advanced techniques will help you attract interesting people online, reduce the time spent with the search and keep the whole experience fun and light.
– Writing an interesting dating profile
– Selecting suitable profile pictures
– Arranging a professional photographer
– Reducing the time spent with the search
– Keeping the whole experience fun
Price: 100 EUR/ 60 min
Request a session at

Tinder workshop

Want to start a new relationship?
Get tips how to position yourself on the dating market to increase your SUCCESS FACTOR.
Attract the right partner whether you are 20, 30, 40, 50 or more!
WOMEN, discover that your choice is bigger than you expected (99+ men waiting to get to know you) and learn how to filter out the interesting ones for a relationship.
MEN, discover how can you be ahead of 90% of the competition, get more matches, more replies and more dates with women.
Is it possible to find a good relationship on Tinder?
Surprisingly yes, when you know how to use it effectively.
This workshop is for people who are (almost) ready for dating, but not quite sure how to get started. It is also for those who used online dating, but were not pleased with the results and would like to have a different experience.
I want to know how to:
- Get my profile noticed on Tinder
- Get to the first date without spending too much of my time with chatting
- Have fun with the process and finally meet the special one